Covenant of Peace Evangelistic Association began in God’s mind before the foundation of the earth. However, the idea of it came to the mind of the setman, Evangelist Job Adegboyega Alabi in the year 1981. The idea was shared with first Baptist Church, Jebba where Evangelist Alabi was serving as the under shepherd. He also shared the idea with other people of like mind who promised to assist him to fulfill the vision. In the year 1988, the setman resigned as the pastor of F.B.C. Jebba but did not leave the church until January 1, 1989 which became the official inauguration of the ministry.

Initially, the name of the ministry was Covenant of Peace Gospel Ministry. Later, it was changed to Covenant of Peace Gospel Ministries to include other areas of ministries. When the ministry was to register with C.A.C (cooperate Affairs Commission) and because we have learnt a lot from The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the name was finally changed to Covenant of Peace Evangelistic Association (INC)”COPEA (INC)” for short. Certificate was issued to us, June 10th 2003. The foundation of our secretariat, THE CHRIST HEAD QUARTERS COMPLEX was laid, Feb. 26, A.D 2000. It was completed and dedicated, September 15th, 2009. It was located in papa Alapo, Randa off Adeniran Memorial Grammar School Road, Ogbomoso.

The ministry is a non- profit making, indivisible, indissoluble Christian Evangelistic Association.
Our ministries include the following.

We believe that the Covenant of Peace Evangelistic Association is a gift to the local Churches and pastors. This was stated in our brochure that more than ever before, our churches need assistance which will make them make most of the opportunities brought about by the rapid growth of the society. For this reason, we have made ourselves available to the churches and we have been given the opportunity to minister in preaching and teaching in many of the churches. We have evidences that such churches have never remained the same.

Through crusades that are organized by local churches, associations, conferences, ministries and the annual Ajilete for Christ crusade, thousands of people have been confronted with the gospel of the kingdom and many have responded positively to the call to give their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. We give glory to God for this.

our free lending library is winning many souls in and outside Ogbomoso. We thank God for The Hands for Christ Ministry. The Lord had used that ministry to supply us with wonderful Christian literature, audio tapes and video tapes which we use to start the library. Now that our library has been moved to our secretariat which has larger space, we need more books, religious and secular. We should appreciate your help in this regard.

our magazine, SHALOM circulates among partners and friends of our association quarterly. For now, we print 2000 copies every quarter. Shalom is free. It is printed with the gift we receive from partners and friends of the association. Tracts are also printed and circulated. In addition to all of these, Evangelist Alabi has written several books. Some of the books include:
1. Baptism Of The Holy Spirit: The Way To Victorious Living
2. Esther: The Finger And Providence Of God
3. The Truth About You
4. The Truth About The Bible
5. Deliverance Through Strength Renewal
6. Proclamation Of Liberation
7. Marriage That Glorifies God
8. Qualifying For A Membership In Glorious Church

The latest of the books include the following:
1. Recovering The Wasted Anointing
2. Miracle Of Blissful Marriage And
3. Pathways To Prosperity

Those to be published soon are
1. Pains Of Debt And The Way Out
2. Anointing: The Water Like Experience
3. The Showbread

Our books are in circulation as part of our efforts to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom to the total man.

“Trumpet of Peace” which was aired every Sunday on Radio Nigeria, Ibadan came back on air on OSBC having been off for some time. This radio ministry has reached uncounted numbers with the saving power of the gospel of Jesus Christ in and outside Nigeria since it began, February 4, 1993. Christians in lonely places have been encouraged. Missionaries in villages have used it to win souls. Some unbelievers, in the privacy or their homes have been brought face to face with their own need for salvation. Many have been blessed through music, scripture and preaching of the word through our radio ministry. Please pray that God should make way for us to take the best news ever, the gospel to the whole world through satellite.

A very important ministry is the spiritual counseling of individuals who call and write our office. Evangelist Alabi still finds time to help in this regard. During church revival times, he meets and helps to deal with all types of challenges- social, physical and spiritual.

Organizing and sponsoring conferences can be a very powerful method of sharing the gospel of the kingdom. We are glad that through God’s help and generousity of our partners in Lagos, we were able to organize a conference which was the first of its kind since the ministry began. It was so wonderful. We appreciate the family of brother and sister Awolade for paying the cost. Brother Awolade is the chairman, board of trustee for COPEA. We trust that from hence forth, more of it will come up.

The question may then be asked, ‘How are all those paid for?’ they are paid for by our partners, friends and churches who gave sacrificially. Occasionally we receive large gifts from some people. Such gifts come at times when we are seriously in need. Recently, for our radio programme, a family has agreed to pay the sum of N180, 000 (one hundred and eighty thousand naira) so we can continue with the programme. People have desire to give but they lack the ability to do so. Only those who are seriously committed are able to do some things. We must let you know that the financial commitment of the few partners has been encouraging. We are praying that God will provide for those who have the desire to give so the work of God may be supported.
Dear reader, we should be very glad if you would join our committed partners and friends so the work of God can prosper through you.