while we appreciate what the Lord has done through us thus far, we wish to make it clear that more opportunities for ministries make us feel that we are just beginning. Available opportunities include the following:

Presently, most of our crusades are organized by local churches, Associations and Conferences. We are praying for a time when we will be able on our own to mobilize several churches and cities for crusades. It means money, for us to be able to achieve this goal. In this case, before the crusade, we shall be involved in training people. In the process, some of them may be saved. After crusade, we may stay behind for a week to teach the converts who will be sent to the various churches of their choice to serve. We believe this is a great opportunity. Please pray for us for God’s provision.

There is need for more of our literature, tracts and magazines to be in circulation. Presently, we spend about N70, 000 (seventy thousand naira) on SHALOM quarterly. We need follow-up materials etc. All of these call for money. If we are able to start our own press and publication department, this will help a lot. Please pray with us and help us.

From time to time, we receive letters from people who are in need. There are needs of various types. People ask for copies of Bible. There is need for an extensive relief ministry. Students from Bible Colleges and Theological seminaries approach us for help. Help fund will help alleviate human suffering. This is a great opportunity to help people see the need for Christ. We need funds for this.

Presently, we have five (5) full time workers minus the Evangelist, one volunteer worker in person of Mrs. A.F Alabi. Five of them earn remuneration. Mrs. Alabi is presently our administrative Officer. She earns no salary but serves as a volunteer worker. We are yet to remunerate our workers to our heart’s satisfaction. Yet we need other committed workers who can help do other works of the ministry. We had an intern personnel who was preparing to go to the seminary. He has now graduated. He has been called to the church. We just employed an assistant admin officer, a Liberian and personnel assistant. All of these cost money. Help us and pray for us. BACK TO TOP

A man of God said, “The penetrating power of television is unmatched”. It can reach millions of homes with the gospel of the kingdom. We trust that the Lord will make way for us in this regard, especially now that we know there is opportunity to preach on satellite. Pray with us and help us.

Like we said earlier on, conferences can be one of the powerful ways of reaching men and women to the Lord. More conferences are needed to teach people the word of God. This cost money. Pray along with us.

We received letters from many who encouraged us to start a school where our own style of preaching and teaching the word of God can be taught. We give thanks to God for the already existing pastoral and theological institutions. We believe that anyone who is called to be a pastor can be trained in any of such available pastoral / theological institutions for now. However we also believed that while all of us cannot be pastors, all born again children of God must be preachers, so the world can be reached as quickly as possible. To this end, we have started what we call:”PREACHER’S SCHOOL” we operate the school for four (4) days in a year during the Ajilete for Christ Crusade in Ogbomoso. We also move the school to places where we are invited. We took the school to Agape Community Baptist Church some years ago. We also took it to Oke Ado Baptist Church, Ibadan. This school is helping people to understand the word of God and how to share the gospel. We can come to your church too, if we are invited. Preacher’s school is meant to help laymen to learn how to share the good news. We also organize ministers’ workshop for pastors and evangelists. BACK TO TOP

This ministry seeks to bring together ministers’ children across denominations. The ministry for pastors’ children kicked off in December, 1998. It was started by one of the daughters, of the Evangelist, Mrs. Onaolapo Adeolu Johnson Shittu. And ever since, annual programmes have been held with an attendance of at least two hundred children. After Onaolapo got married her brother ‘Bishop’ Ponle segun Alabi took over the leadership of the ministry with other committed ministers’ children. “Our vision is to make our generation worship God in Spirit and in truth” says the coordinator,’ Bishop ‘ponle segun Alabi. Currently, Dr. Odebunmi and Dr. Mrs. Shola Obiremi who themselves are pastors children serve as Patron and Matron respectively.

The Lord has completed for us our secretariat, Christ’s Headquarters Complex. We have dedicated the building. The secretariat houses our Administrative offices, Library, Publication department, Recording studio, A chapel named Hall of Tyrannus(Act 19 :9-11). This hall is meant for multipurpose use. It also contains prayer tower with thirteen (13) small rooms for prayers. We also have six guest rooms for ministers with all conveniences. There is an area for research on the internet as part of the library. To the glory of God we laid the foundation of our Restoration, Education and Electronic Media Evangelisms network on an acre of land at ikose where we shall be ministering to the wounded souls, preach and teach the word of God twenty-four hours on radio. We have just acquired 8 acre piece of land at Ikose for our annual Ajilete for Christ Crusade and other developments. Please help us and pray for us. Remain blessed. Shalom!